Kalamazoo County CHADD
would like to utilize the talents and skills
of its members and guests.
If you would like to be more
involved in CHADD and could help,
please: 1. Paste this survey
into an e-mail, fill it out then send it
to kalamazoo-county@chadd.net or 2. Print out and complete
this survey,
then either turn it in at a
monthly meeting or mail it to Kalamazoo
County CHADD, 1803
Whites Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49008.
Name: ________________________ Phone #: ____________________
Is your interest in AD/HD
Personal ______
Professional ______ What is your
Profession? ____________________
Do you have: (Please describe)
_____ Computer
Skills (ex:type letters, make flyers, e-mail, can update
web page)
_____ Fund Raising
_____ Publicity
Talent (ex: posters, ideas for Health Fair)
_____ Advertising
_____ Contacts
with Schools
_____ Community Activist Interests (ex: contacting Senators, familiarity
with current IDEA Reauthorization)
_____ Time to
help with mailings, photocopying, Health Fair booth in the
_____ A desire
to be a greeter at monthly meetings
_____ A willingness
to participate in or help with the upcoming Art/Talent
Thank you for your support
your Chapter.
Kalamazoo County CHADD
Steering Committee